
Happy Holidays!

It's the Christmas Eve Eve and the fourth night of Hanukkah!!!  What a beautiful holiday season we are having with the grounds covered in a thick blanket of sparkling snow and the night sky so clear and crisp you can see all of the twinkling stars!  I hope everyone is able to celebrate by spending time with their family and enjoying the warmth of their home.
Happy Holidays!
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Christmas Porch

Ugh!  I have been a total slacker when it is coming to blog lately!  I guess I do have an exuse though, it's that I have been working two jobs, plus the family and my design buisiness.  I have been pretty busy. 
I love decorating my front porch for the seasons and Christmas is my all time favorite!  Here are some ideas that I love!
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Pottery Barn

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Ballard Designs

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